Monday, January 5, 2009

Privacy Checklist for Business

A checklist of 10 items you should have for your business regarding privacy:

1) Align privacy with strategy
2) Look beyond rules to values - embed your privacy in your corporate culture. Develop values from the bottom up.
3)Anticipate issues - make it someones job to scan for other practices that may raise privacy concerns.
4)Create accountability - Assign someone in your organization the role of security officer. All those involved in setting and implementing information policies, including the head of HR, the CIO, and the marketing VP, are potential participants-but someone has to be accountable.
5)Don't conflate security ad privacy - Meet societal or regulatory expectations for what type of information is collected.
6)Treat privacy as a social responsibility - in information rich societies, privacy ad data protection belong to the corporate citizen.
7)Manage your data supply chain - This really pertains to big business. You need to standardize the way your data flows around your organization. If not, then you have a lot of open holes.
8)Rely on Technology - If it makes sense, implement it. Stay in compliance and manage, manage, manage.
9)Plan for disaster recovery - No information is ever safe. In case of data loss or a hack, have a rehearsed response that addresses technical, individual, legal and other needs.
10)Heed both boomers and millennials - The under 25 crowd is not dismissive of privacy but it does embrace online. Your privacy thinking must span all age ranges.

Just a quick snippet i took from the Harvard Business Review. Hope it helps. i know its hard to find a condensed checklist out there.

Stewart Severino
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