Monday, December 7, 2009

Digital marketing on the cheap 2010

With reduced marketing budgets, agencies will have to learn to do more with less. With all the recent cutback in marketing budgets we have been seeing cuts on specific channels like print and media. We always preach about how important a fully integrated marketing mix is to a brand but if marketers reduce resources, the brand campaign will suffer. Each medium behaves differently and in each medium user experiences are different. Think about the implications this will have on analytics.
With the Interactive world changing day-to-day and more information coming in from the media, marketers, academics, set-top boxes, etc, we will find ourselves over loaded with data and very little understanding. Driving future decisions cannot be based on past correlations.

As social media becomes more appealing to marketers because of their low cost implementation they will push agencies to come up with ideas on how to increase the bottom line and increase brand awareness. Folks, social media isnt for everyone. Don't force it! Realize that the audience owns the social realm and determines whether or not your brand will succeed or fail.
The good content will get around with the audience being the accelerators of this content. If its worth spreading, they will spread it.

2010 will surely be dependent on that 'big idea'. Bringing content will not be enough. The content has to be fueled by the big idea in order for it to be pushed through the digital world. For decades we have relied on the media to feed us our content. Today, there is a shift in place. As social individuals, we are disseminating content at a hyper rate, sharing with our networks of friends, family and industry folks. No longer are we dependent on one source.

Stewart Severino
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