Saturday, August 23, 2008

Selling based on behavior

In the digital space you hear or read the same question every year, "what is the next killer app"? or "what's the next BIG thing for this next year?"

I believe less emphasis should be made on 'guessing' and more on monitored research.
First identify the number of touch points customers are able to use to influence their purchasing decisions.
Next, figure out what behaviors you need to measure throughout the year and where those trends are heading. That will lead you to a more intelligent strategy on where and how to market to these consumers.
Leaving it up to your morning skimming of blogs will only get you on par with the competition.
In a world where interactive shops are a dime a dozen, you need to elevate yourself above the pack and be the leader and innovator in your industry.

So, do your homework. I know its tedious but you can attain some great learnings from studying consumer behavior. Make that your morning ritual, instead of copying what others are doing.
Your clients will love you for it.

Stewart Severino
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