Friday, August 29, 2008

Starbucks-Power of Marketing

Starbucks marketing folks have trained the consumer well.
I am not a big Starbucks fan but I occasionally run in when I need some caffeine. Today, as usual I asked for a regular coffee, 'grande'...i paused for a second to remember grande=medium.
The lady behind the counter gave me a strange look and replied, "regular ? Thats boring...You look a more exciting guy than that".
I replied, "Na, just regular coffee, please". And turned around to the guy behind me and said, "what ever happend to just a regular cup of Joe, meduim or large, not Grande???
"The stranger agreed and began telling me how long his waiting time has gotten because of people ordering Cafe Macchiatos and stuff with steamed low fat milk".

You get the point.
The Starbucks worker looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole. Which was not my intention.

My point is, the consumer has gotten so trained by the marketing and advertising efforts of Starbucks throughout the years that when someone like me walks in to a Starbucks store and asks for a regular cup of coffee, we get looked at strangely and get questioned if that is really what we want to order.
Good job Starbucks .

Stewart Severino
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