Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Real Estate Marketing - Focus on a niche

I have seen many real estate sites that try to cater to the whole, when focusing on a particular segment would provide the realtor with a much more focused audience.

You want to attract prospects that are actually interested in a particular area.

This makes it easy for you to market to them by providing them with a level of detail

that is not provided by other realtor sites.

Building your site for your customer is the first step.

So be sure to identify the persona you are going after. Make a list of personas that would be interested in lets say a lake community.

From there you can build content on your site or blog that answers their every question and concern.

Come up with topics that they wouldnt think of searching for.

For example; write about what is being built in the area (new stores or schools), talk about how that may affect the taxes. You get the idea.

When you begin pumping out lots of valuable content (blogs), the reader or in this case the perspectice client will see you as the expert in your field and will want to contact you for more information.

Speaking of contact; make sure at the end of your blog you provide some info about the author (that's you). Provide some contact information.

Give them a reason to contact you! Every blog should have a 'call to action'. Simply stated, give them a reason to call or email you.

This blog for expample can become a 100 page series of tips and maybe I will keep posting more tips. There are so many scenarios I am sure I will leave something out.

Just check in with my blog series for more updates.

Or...Feel free to contact me for more info on Real Estate Marketing

To learn more: About Author Stewart Severino, a marketing consultant who specializes in helping business owners and company's with marketing and advertising utilizing different customer touch points. Stewart is the author of the educational blog covering the topics in online, mobile and direct marketing. To learn more about this topic please visit, http://www.maddockmedia.com/

View Stewart Severino's profile on LinkedIn

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