Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Real Estate Marketing - Generate real estate leads

So, aside from your busy day of Open houses and doing paper work you are thinking to yourself, "how am I going to make and serious money? How can I generate leads?"

Back in the "old days," purchasing real estate leads was a popular strategy. And while a lot of agents still use this approach to real estate lead generation, it is by far NOT the most effective way to go about it.

Think about it. When you buy real estate leads, you are basically buying the names and phone numbers of people who you don't know you, haven't asked to be contacted by you(no permission), and could very well have an agent by the time you contact them.
In other words, you will be cold-calling strangers. This is not the best way to approach real estate lead generation. This is no way to focus on a niche market, which by the way is what you shoud be doing. But that's another blog (click on the niche market link above to find out more).

Being visible, valuable and trustworthy will make your real estate lead generation efforts pay off in the long run. Is all this effort worthwhile? Well, let me ask you this. What would it be worth if you never had to call or email a stranger again? That's a goal worth striving for, isn't it? That's the kind of thing that can happen when you change the way you think about lead generation.

To learn more:

About Author Stewart Severino, a marketing consultant who specializes in helping business owners and company's with marketing and advertising utilizing different customer touch points. Stewart is the author of the educational blog covering the topics in online, mobile and direct marketing. To learn more about this topic please visit, http://www.maddockmedia.com/

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